About Us
Focused in International Business and Economic Development, Tradebrz has helped clients (US State Government Agencies and Corporations) to close deals in excess of US$50 Million per year and attract more than US$600 Million in Foreign Investment to the states represented by Tradebrz.
Leader in the industry, Tradebrz is a South American Business Development Company headquartered in Sao Paulo, Brazil with offices in Santiago (Chile), Lima (Peru) and Bogota (Colombia).
Founded in 2001, Tradebrz has a proven record of international trade

facilitation and foreign investment promotion based on its highly skilled staff & proprietary updated database consolidated in 14 years of operation.
Business/Market intelligence, in-country presence (location, location, location) and daily interaction with C level Executives are the pilars of Tradebrz’ global success.
Tradebrz is a founding member of IBG Global an international business development group with presence in more than 70 countries – www.ibgglobal.com.